Monday, 20 October 2008

Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket

Title of Selection: Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket
Author: Jack Finney

Pre-Reading: List top 5 priorities in your life:
1. Religion
2. Family
3. School
4. Friends
5. Job *never read this story nor heard of the author before
Plot/Reaction: Summary: I think the main message of this story is realizing how much you have to live for. This story is about a guy named Tom and a yellow sheet of paper in which he had written his ideas that would guarantee him a promotion. This sheet of paper flew out a window and Tom ended up going after it. It's a very suspenseful story but it only goes to show you that you don't know what your missing until you don't have it anymore.
1. Written on that yellow sheet are all of Tom's ideas for a new display window.
2. Tom gets the yellow sheet back by going out tonto the ledge on an impulse. While out there, though, he realizes of how far away he is from the street and he panicks. The last things holding him back from reaching his apartments is the window, which he smashe open after realizing how little he lived his life.

Quote: "Contents of the dead man's pockets, He thought with a sudden fierce anger, a wasted life."

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